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At approximately 10:00pm EST on Friday, November 17, 2017, five members of the din Kolesi lineage launched an attack on this writer.  Fast forward 32 hours later and there has been zero attempts by either of the city’s live news publications to approach me for comment.  For 32 hours, I have deliberately remained silent on the matter on both publications to even give ample time for live coverage to occur and both papers failed.  The Necro failed to cover the story at all save for my binding to Annabelle.  Twenty four hours and 46 minutes after the initial attacks were launched, the Ab Antiquo provided its first coverage of the event by having Liander D’dary, staff for the publication that is clearly not in a position to report in an unbiased fashion, provide a one sided piece specifically designed to paint the din Kolesi in a positive light.  The spin of the piece and the comments to this article (the most notable issued by Liander’s sire, Drella, current leader of the D’dary and former sire of this writer) were centered around a comparative between Liander’s actual news reporting and that of AlexAyres and Annabelle Adaire, both of whom issued satirical and clearly biased press releases from the Mayor’s Office.  In short, these clearly biased, non-news based articles were issued intentionally while I, the actual target, remained silent in an attempt to see whether or not either publication would pick up the story in an unbiased manner.  Neither side was capable of doing so and in fact, the Ab instead showed their lack of journalistic integrity by allowing their Journalism 101 author to follow a story that he could not remain unbiased through.  So here I am, for the second time in five days, writing about myself.  To this I say, way to drop your pretense regarding your actual bedfellows, Friends.  As mentioned, the din Kolesi vs St. John article serves to paint one side of this in a positive light by downplaying their errors and utilizing rumor and conjecture to attempt to flip the script, so to speak, and tie in my wife’s drunken escapades riding on Ezra D’dary’s shoulders into a full fledge political movement and the unspoken reason I was attacked 32 hours ago.  Let me explain; because this is a one sided piece because it has to be, editorial comments by myself will be put in parentheses.  But first--accurate data on the participants in the battle that was reported as being “unavailable;” it is most certainly available, but you have to ask for it.


Attackers – 11.17.2017 approximately 10:00pm EST

Name – Starting Blood – Current Blood as of 5:00am EST 11.19.17)

CrimsonClover – 15,721/15,392

Narcisssa – 33,572/32,554

Daly – 2,695/2,374

Daciana – 1,362/1,191

Drayden – 15,978/16,004


Defenders – same date/time

Name – Starting Blood – Current Blood as of 5:00am EST 11.19.17)

Seyda – 12,075 (approximation)/10,427

Pulse – N/A/3,242

Rubi – N/A/7,228      Note:  Rubi has not thrown a weapon


Attacker – 11.17.2017 approximately 10:25pm EST

Name – Starting Blood – Current Blood as of 5:00am EST 11.19.17)

ladypeacek – 10,890/10983     


Defender – same date/time

Name – Starting Blood – Current Blood as of 5:00am EST 11.19.17)

Michiru – N/A/20,786


Attacker – 11.18.2017 7:18pm EST

Name – Starting Blood – Current Blood as of 5:00am EST 11.19.17)

Aralyn – 2,506/2,506


The Origin

Now that is out of the way, let’s talk about the origin of this that has been whitewashed and labeled “controversial.”  After the din Kolesi, consisting of CrimsonClover, all of her childer with the exception of Bailee (Anyone want to guess why?), and Drayden, a grandchilde who is a member of The Republic and failed to seek appropriate clearances to participate, attacked this writer, Annabelle Adaire was approached by both Narcisssa and CrimsonClover with explanations.  According to Narcisssa, Daly ordered the attack because this writer called him “retarded.”  When it was revealed to her that it was in fact Daly that had used that term days earlier in reference to ladypeacek and her article about The Void (this interaction could have had its own article—AlexAyres, Mayor Pea’s “Mouth of Sauron,” came to Pea’s defense in her absence and this was largely spun to be negative feelings because Alex’s ex, Jenny, is now with Daly.  Someone should ask Alex how that story ended FYI), Narcisssa back-pedaled on her reasoning, stating that she didn’t know why Daly ordered the hit.


After Narcisssa left, CrimsonClover approached Annabelle with a second explanation—that she couldn’t put up with how Annabelle’s childe (Mayor Pea) and her wife (this writer) were treating her childer the way they do and then said sorry.  Annabelle’s response was to walk away from Crimson and head right for the bar, where it had been reported Daly was.  After a back and forth where this writer pointed out the many ways his attack fell flat (see this week’s blotter for security footage; note that the ‘noise’ has been edited out; best part for me was when he ‘ended the conversation’ and kept going), Daly finally offered up that he hit “because well, fuck you.”


If anyone has a keen eye in the building, they would have zoned in on what Crimson had stated that essentially, this writer was hit because we (myself and Pea) are mean to her childer. 


CrimsonClover is sire to 4 other vampires, including: Narcisssa (32554 pints), Bailee (21017 pints), Daly (2374 pints), Daciana (1191 pints)


Let’s start at the bottom of the list.  Daciana, known as Dash in the social circles, is an underpowered childe that both this writer and Pea actually like.  She has been interviewed for articles on the Beat and her flannel shirts are infamous in lesbian circles.  Daly was a member of the St. John lineage for several years and has claimed to adore this writer all the way up until August 27, when there was a conversation regarding Michiru’s siring of Dea di Luna and my subsequent cutting of my friendship with Michiru because of it.  When Daly stated that he had Dea’s back, I stated that we were at an impasse because Dea was my hard line. 


Daly din Kolesi:  Since Dea returned I've kind of had her back. A lot of people wanted to turn their backs to her and I wouldn't let them. Personally. I don't know what went down with the two of them completely because I wasn't sitting in on their discussions.

Seyda St. John: Well, then you are I will be at an impasse. Because Dea is my hard line. And in 13 years, I only have one hard line. Period. She [Michiru] violated it, I cut her off. She can twist the narrative into whatever she wishes.


Daly continued to care about this writer, even stopping by on September 1 because he missed Delphine.  On October 1, he attempted to address the divide between us


Daly din Kolesi:  That much don't matter to me anymore. I can't make everyone happy. I love you, Seyda.

Seyda St. John: I love you, too.  And no one can, really. It doesn't really matter, though. I don't care what ya'll are doing, so there should be no conflict.

Daly din Kolesi:  I know it. I've not let anyone talk poorly about you around me even after our last conversation. Won't going forward either. I have my own goals and worrying about Dea and yours issue ain't part of it so I'll not speak of it again. I'd like to see everyone I love happy. Holding onto the past won't accomplish that in either front. And well. We ain't really doing anything. So there ain't much to care about *winked.*


Now Bailee – anyone hiding under a rock knows that Bailee can hold a grudge better than almost anyone in this city, and she definitely has been holding one—towards Dea di Luna based on her infidelity during their relationship (Newsflash City, Dea fucked Reyna, too. #boomtown).


That brings us to Narcisssa.  Let’s rewind the tape, available in the blotter section because of course it is, to approximately 2:14pm EST on Friday, November 17th, approximately 7 hours and 45 minutes before my attack.  Anyone with half a brain has noticed (and they have because I get calls often) about the psychological war going on between people in the city, especially since the Mayor and myself helped to facilitate the launching of three bars and a periodical called The Beat.  When either of us are alone, certain levels of passive-aggressive and pettiness takes over by those jealous of the periodical’s quick success and things get said.  That day was Narcisssa’s turn, as she used Dae Hyun’s presence to take shots at the underlying purpose for the creation of As Is – to foster a sense of inclusiveness in a city where both daily newspapers were completely divided between two factions.  She then utilized her new “favorite”, Dea (sorry Bailee, the tribe has spoken) to continue this passive-aggressive behavior.  After my laughter and subsequently being called a C U Next Tuesday, the second part got the attention of the Mayor, who came in and called Narcisssa out for her bitchy behavior as I blew my own gasket finally.  This interaction lasted approximately three minutes, with Narcisssa claiming that the Beat is a flop (it’s not), also referring to Pea as a C U, and then using Annabelle as a verbal weapon (read: the real crux of the matter—salty ex-childe alert) before Dae, clearly the only adult in the room at the time, had this to say, “Nar, while I do appreciate your support for Ab. Please, don’t bring another paper down.  The Beat is doing well and I am very happy for them.”  Narcisssa then insulted the entire St. John lineage, including the leader of RoR, nitenurse, by mocking their trademark beer and lawnchairs before storming away.  The only other thing I have to say to Narcisssa is this-- The binding ritual is complete. Your new sire is Annabelle—the trailer park just got a hell of a lot more sexy.


The Initial Attack

The initial attack towards this writer was not handled well.  Most of the flubs were by Daly himself, someone who is an active warrior and prides himself on the ability to teach others, yet the mistake highlighted was by Daciana, the underpowered childe who hit me with a double garlic instead of a holy water.  At the point of attack, I was sitting in Annabelle’s Garden completely out of shadows.  Rather than coming in and using a displacer to kick me out, the decision was made to try and scroll me out first.  The scroller?  Daly.  Yes, a seasoned veteran made the decision to read a Scroll of Turning at a person’s home on the grid that contained the owner, the owner’s spouse, this writer, and the Mayor.  When all four of us resisted, being the badasses we are, Daciana, the underpowered, was sent in to displace me out (all the way to Umbrella and 4—nice kick, Rookie).  Yes, there were two separate people present to break down the door and send me flying.  (That’s not how this works).  I come to at the new location with a crowd around me.  Drayden had already left, safely lodged inside the safety of one of Elizabeth de Bouillon’s homes, while the other four were chilling—Daly had the sense to be in his own square but the girls thought hanging together was the best option. 


Rather than engage out of the gate myself, since that is clearly what they wanted, two of mine showed.  Rubi played the role of decoy and got holy watered by Daly (#trueveteran) while the girls scattered and the other, Pulse, engaged Daly live.  A point was made by Liander in his article to mention two things—that Daly won 4-2 and that Pulse utilized garlic spray too early.  Daly was also heard bragging in the bar about how he’s not afraid of Pulse.  If it was me, I probably would not brag too much about the score, considering that Daly allowed not one, but two shots from Pulse, a long retired warrior that has not live fought or even so much as trained for a live fight in over three years.  Pulse literally heard I had been attacked, ran Daly down, and actually caught him twice with years of rust.  He has been out of action so long he literally forgot the hard weapon switch point and still landed (#myrealboy).


Much attention was spent on my decision to not hit Daly back at all while failing to mention that I have actually returned fire.  Narcisssa has been hit twice to this point, clearly thinking that it’s normal war practice to trade hits, bite up 19 blood, succor to your sire, and then displace yourself later.  The coins cry.  Both Daciana and Crimson have also been hit in retaliation by this writer and I would like to note that after I displaced Crimson from the area, Daly showed up, stared at me, and then displaced to Crimson.  Why are you people wasting so much shit?


My last attack was in the morning of November 18 and I remained out of shadows all day; I had been hittable since 10:30pm the night prior.  The next hitter was Aralyn 21 hours after I became hittable and then Daly took a swing a few minutes after.  Seriously, what the fuck are you guys doing?  I haven’t been in a war since 2013, have completely forgotten basic things like the order of the transits, that sprint routes even existed on Friday night, and that I actually had to have coin to ride a transit, yet you guys are either sitting in a locked house or frozen?  I mean what in the shit??


The Hit on Michiru

While I was getting myself together, Pea attacked Michiru.  Michi and Pea had an interesting conversation regarding this attack, which shocking no one I’m sure, is over in the blotter.  Long story short, if Crimson’s reason for hitting me is because Pea and I are mean to her childe, then it seems logical that Pea hit the mouthiest person over there, which is Crimson’s wife.  People have largely overblown the drama surrounding whether or not de Bouillon is going to come in force to defend Michi’s honor against one vampire.  I had the opportunity to ask Seyda St. John her thoughts on this.  She said, “Vote yes.  I don’t care.  Just don’t wobble.”


Rumor and Conjecture

This brings me to the addressing of the rumors, speculation, and painting of the Mayoral movement as an actual thing, which is akin to slapping lipstick on a pig to hide the fact that it is, indeed, a pig.  Of course it is heavily rumored that we are organizing.  What are you supposed to do when you’re attacked?  If we WEREN’T going over what our options are, then spin that.  Then there is the tie in to my “agitating everyone with stunning regularity.”  I have been agitating people for thirteen years—what’s new?  Seriously, someone, tell me what’s new, because the last time I checked, Liander's sire and this writer's ex-sire was quite fond of that skillset.  Next, the reference to a new type of politics—Pea has stated numerous times, and even wrote a rant about it, that the mayoral movement started as a drunken fun night that just kept going because, you guessed it, it got attention of both the positive and negative variety.  It literally has taken on a life of its own because people either refer to Pea as Mayor or #NotMyMayor, which is still validating that there is, indeed, a mayor.  In fact, it was that very trending hash tag that caused multiple citizens to start proclaiming Pea the Mayor and caused the Deputy Mayor, Annabelle, to push swag and keep it going.  Newsflash, though, City—the mayoral movement is actually a parody.  For fuck’s sake, the PR guy is called the Mouth of Sauron.  Get a sense of humor.  Further, people “drawing lines in the sand” consist of a Caedis being an opportunist and taking a swing when they feel it’s safe to do so, in a move that frankly shocked no one really.  And finally, there was a quote of mine regarding retirement and being a lineage head directed towards the Agrippa in an attempt to paint me as a hypocrite.  The difference between Agrippa and St. John is quite clear—Agrippa is organized and run as a clan-like entity.  St. John has never been an organized entity and is basically a group of people with relationships who all do their own thing, whether it is clan or other.  Nice try, but your attempt falls on its face.


In Conclusion

Those of you that truly know me as a person know who and what I am.  Therefore, what I have to say next should not be a surprise to any of you.  To din Kolesi:  your reasons, your implementation, and your follow through leave me wanting.  All of you need Moms because clearly this is lacking.  To de Bouillon:  we’re not stressed.  Do it or don’t do it; whatevs.  To everyone else:  Cards played, implications processed.  I don’t really give a shit because you’ll never beat me at my own game.

The Irrelevant &Unstable Side- aka The Real Shit

Written by Seyda

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