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ophelia arrived.
virgo: Me!
ophelia: Me!
virgo waved a coupon and attached self to her.
virgo did not give her a choice either. Screw that.
ophelia looked pained, sighed loudly and just let it happen
virgo was all content and happy and stuff.
virgo: Oh, that reminds me, virgo I'm making you steak fajitas tonight instead.
ophelia: Fuck yeah 
virgo: I picked everything up first thing this morning and it's marinating.
ophelia: Don’t forget the pie 
virgo: Oh no, I could never. I'm making a cream pie, just for you.
ophelia sat the little redhead aside
virgo tried not to smirk. my god thats hard.
ophelia: (I hate you )
virgo: ( I know )
ophelia: Mmk good my fave. Back in a bit. 
ophelia left.


Annabelle: Looks empty in here. What the fuck? 
Seyda: It is. Is that a no on the list? 
Annabelle: I do want to. After I break shit.
Seyda: What are you going to break?
Seyda smiled 
Seyda: I know
Annabelle wanders behind the bar, picks up a bottle of rum, and smashes it against the bar top 
Seyda got up and walked over to a closet and pulled out a broom. She handed it to her.
Annabelle: Nope
Seyda: Swing batter.
Annabelle picks up a bottle of tequila
Seyda: It feels better than a drop smash.
Annabelle: Oohh
Annabelle puts down the bottle and picks up the broom
Seyda held it out again and picked up a bottle of Cristal
Seyda pitched it at her
Annabelle swings at the bottle, and hits it perfectly 
Seyda ducked glass
Annabelle grins
Seyda grabbed something else from the top shelf and lobbed it
Annabelle swings at the bottle and it crashes against the broomstick, sending glass and liquid all across the room
Seyda grinned wide
Annabelle: I guess it’s a good
Annabelle: Thing this place is pretty empty
Seyda: What color is her hair?
Annabelle: Fuckin’ black 
Seyda looked for the darkest bottle of booze on the shelf. She retrieved it and tossed it over her shoulder in Anna's direction. "Heads up!"
Annabelle blinks and looks up, quickly swinging her makeshift bat at the flying bottle and sending the pieces crashing against the opposite wall
Seyda carried about 6 bottles in her arms and lined them up on the bar. "Order up!"
DeathByMe blinked
Seyda: Hey Pep!
Seyda: You might want to take 2 steps to the left
Annabelle turns her body a little so she doesn’t hit Pepper with the destruction
DeathByMe moved
Annabelle swings the broom six times in rapid succession, hitting the bottles one by one and sending them soaring
Seyda was beaming now
Seyda: More?
Annabelle: Nah
Annabelle: Break time
Seyda nodded
Annabelle promptly gives herself a big X
Seyda also shot a quick text to her staff to come clean this shit up and replace the booze before the alcoholics woke up
Seyda gave Anna a big green check mark, though


ladypeacek: Is MD your pumpkin feeder?
Clarrissa: No, no, no.
Jaqueline: Don't you mean aubergine, Pea?
Seyda tried to pronounce this word. Couldn't.
Seyda: Say that again?
ladypeacek: No, definitely pumpkin.
Jaqueline tried to say it slowly and let Seyda watch her lips.
Seyda watched carefully
Jaqueline: Aubergine.
Seyda mouthed the word to herself
Seyda: Okay, so what does it mean?
Jaqueline: You are familiar with the vegetable, yes?
Jaqueline: Big, bulbous, dark purple?
Seyda: Like an eggplant?
Jaqueline: Eggplant, yes.
Seyda: You just made the smartest dick joke I've ever heard. 


Vex: ... Aye, does that make me King Vexian?
Lyric: I didn't know we had a king.
Lyric: Well, I mean, there technically was one but he was more of a disappointment in a tinfoil crown.
Vex: Someone fetch a round table. Suitable substitutes include: beer kegs, wine barrels, a stack of old tires with a board on top.
Kains+Son: Prince, Red Queen, Mayor, but never a king.
Vex: King of Rbalot.
Lyric: Why not an oblong table?
Vex may have already been drunk as fuck.
Vex: Also acceptable.
Vex: This kingdom shall be open to all shapes of tables.
Kains+Son snorted.
Vex missed the point of the round table by a mile, but he was inclusive?
Lyric: I wonder, could a tetrahedron be made into a table?
Kains+Son: Probably not a good one.
Vex: Pointy tip down.
Lyric: That is disappointing.
Lyric: That's what she said.
Lyric gave Kains' ear a soft nibble.
Vex: Make a slit in the floor. It'd be modern art.
Vex: The Knights of the Tetrahedron has a certain ring to it.
Lyric: Kains will be one of your knights.
Lyric said this knowing he was only half paying attention.
Kains+Son: Wait a minute. Lets not go jumping to conclusions now.
Vex: You wouldn't?
Vex: Don't you love me?
Lyric was feeling rather smug just then.
Vex looked positively crestfallen.

Lyric: King Vex... does have a nice ring to it the more I hear it.
Vex: If you go King Vexian, it's even more regal.
Lyric: Well yes but that certainly sounds so stuffy.
Vex: ... I mean... you've met me, right?
Orion refilled his scotch. 
Lyric: For years, and years now.
Vex grinned. "Stuffy works."
Orion: You can be King Vexian. But I'm still Daddy. 
Vex: ... Shh!
Ezra: Until Andy gets shiny. Then everybody cowers.
Ezra | Ya don't fuck with Michael.
Vex: ... SHH!
Orion looked amused, but didn't say anything.

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