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Tarot Readings By Virgo

Deck used: Fairy Tarot Cards

Reading Date: 10/22/2017

Reading For: All I do is Win

Past: Prince Of Summer

The asker of this reading has previously fallen in love quite suddenly. It’s captivating and dramatic all encompassing love. Being swept off their feet and trying to remember the need to stay grounded during a sunshine and rainbows experience. Knowing their recent past, this is very spot on and the whole city has seen it.

Present: Seven of Summer

In the present this asker is coming to a point where they can not procrastinate any longer. Their power comes from making decisions, mostly ones that the rest of the city just won’t or can’t make and now is the time to shine. Confusion can arise from over analyzing the situations at hand and there is no reason to bother. You, asker, know exactly what you need to do. So do it.

Future: Strength

As we look into the future we see a need for grace and inner strength that will be needed to overcome challenges coming soon. There is a power in kindness and forgiveness. Remember above all else that you are a wonderful person and this reader knows it to be true even if that wasn’t always that way. You got this.

Tarot Readings by Virgo


ARIES-  you can be impulsive and impatient, downright selfish at times. 


TAURUS- You are definitely the possessive and materialistic of the signs. A little over-indulgent and lazy too. 


GEMINIDon't always know yourself- change with the wind and just love to hear yourself talk. 


CANCER- A little, well, a lot cranky and and moody.  Take offense way too easy. Calm your tits. 


LEO- Leos, the king of the world, or so you think, or wish, either way, love yourself a little less and others a little more at times. 


VIRGO- You judgmental perfectionist!  A little pessimistic too.  There is a silver lining SOMETIMES. 


LIBRA- A little too slow to jump, sometimes life just isn't the balance they want but they will change their values to try and make it so. 


SCORPIO- Grudge be gone- or not, for the Scorpio. People never live down what they did to you. Ever. A little manipulative too, if it suits you. 


SAGITTARIUS- Confuse honesty and bluntness with rude and tactless.  Condescending little shits. 


CAPRICORN- Negative and controlling- let off the reigns a bit, let them come to you now and then. Try a smile too. 


AQUARIUS- You tend to be a little detached and uncaring. LET ME IN, dammit.  Loosen up. 


PISCES-  A little spaced out and living in your own world- come out and join the rest of us, and stop being so gullible. 



With a decent turn out for the zombie event, we had a show down between humans and zombies!


Original cast:

Scientist- Aida

Hunter- Brienne

Zombies- Annabelle, Ella Maxwell, Koli Wolfe.

Humans- Seyda, Virgo, Donnis, Jinx Black, Deathbyme, Master Dracula, Drirelanish

Late Spectator- Nitenurse


Ending Cast:

Scientist- Virgo  (known best for her work melting zombies when trying to save them)

Hunter- Master Dracula.  (in trouble for targeting Annabelle FIRST!) 

Zombies- Annabelle, Ella Maxwell, Koli Wolfe, Seyda, Virgo, Jinx Black, Drirelanish


Last Standing-

Donnis as a human

Master Dracula turned zombie in last scene. 


Our Overall Winners- Donnis vs Master Dracula at a draw


First Dead- Ella Maxwell- looked a little too innocent for her own good. 

Last Dead- Virgo- killed by the elusive hunter Master Dracula just as she turned him zombie. 


Most outstanding death- Aida- evaporated into dust as a zombie after having a bullet and a cure shot into her at exactly the same moment.   She was real dead. 


Worst at playing dead- Annabelle. She was a chatty dead zombie.


Zombie Apocalypse

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