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Polyamory Part II

By Seyda St John

A few editions ago, the Beat published a feature on the different forms of polyamory in the city.  Since then, I have had a few people ask me questions about the topic.  The overall theme to the questioning was that although the different types of polyamory were understood, the emotions behind loving more than one person were not so much.  Firstly, I preface what follows by saying that I do not feel that polyamory is for everyone and this is not written to attempt to push that cause.  This is a response to direct questions and I hope my answer is enough to satisfy those people. 


For me, there are two main benefits to polyamory.  Firstly, I have found that it expands a person’s emotional IQ because in order to subsist in a functional poly relationship, one is forced to learn different ways to relate to people.  In this model, you simply cannot ignore one small red flag, because that one red flag moment could be next month’s disaster that brings the entire group to its knees.  This skill then makes someone more relatable to other people in general.  Next, this model also multiples the support system and knowledge base in place before having to go outside the relationship.  This also increases the bonding chances between partners as they can work through more projects on their own. 


The best analogy I can come up with to explain the emotion behind it is through art.  I absolutely adore black and white art.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a photo or a drawing, it is one of my favorite things in this world.  It amazes me how one color alone can be an outline, structure, detail, and design all tied neatly into one package.  To me, black and white art is not there to be stared at as much as it is there to be studied.  If all I had for the rest of my life was black and white art, I would be fine.


However, there is also something about color.  When used properly, color can provide depth and vibrance to a piece of art that is already amazing and turn it into something deeper—magical even.  It can highlight the best parts of the existing picture and make it even more meaningful than what it could have been originally. 


In this art, I am the canvas and Pea is my black and white.  At a base level, I’m already fine.  I don’t NEED color.  I don’t like color more than I like black and white.  But, the right colors in the right places makes our own picture even more impactful than what the picture looks like as the sum of our own parts.  It may not be everyone’s favorite art, but it is what works for us, and that’s all that matters.

Over the past few weeks, the city has been graced with the debut of its newest mercenary group, The Void.  Today, we had the opportunity to sit down with both Damacus and ophelia regarding their involvement with the first Void contract.


Seyda: Team Agrippa!  As everyone is already aware unless they've been hiding under a rock the last week or so, Kains Son has launched his new venture, The Void, by fulfilling his first contract against Damacus.

ophelia: It's not...fulfilled yet just to clarify.

Seyda: Oh, my mistake.  By starting to fulfill his first contract against Damacus.

Damacus: It's also more than likely a publicity stunt with no actual contract behind it at all.

Damacus smiled, sipping his mead and leaning back into his chair.

Seyda: There are many rumors swirling around this and some other publications have already done some, well, publicity as you put it.  Can we work through some of the information presented and gain your perspective on these?

ophelia folded her hands in her lap with a smile.

ophelia: Of course

Damacus tilted his tankard back once more and chuckled.

Damacus: You heard her.

Seyda: To start, there seem to be some discrepancies between some of the reported math and times noted of varying members being in shadows.  Do you feel the math as presented was accurate?

Damacus: Very little about it was based in fact. It was a puff piece, designed to advertise hitting me.

ophelia: A fine example would be the 'undisclosed members hitting' or however it was framed initially because the undisclosed members hitting him were exactly one- Kains

Seyda St. John: Okay - let's explore this first.  At the time of the writing, it was only Kains.  Since then, are there more hitters?

ophelia: Daly popped up once- got hit back once and said it was just a one time thing and he wouldn't be doing it again to Lannair when an inquiry was made on what he was doing. Fast forward to…last week Rienhardt, GrimreaperMoon and Daly made a pass. Grim indicated it was part of the contracted hit, the other two didn't say anything as far as I recall but I'll presume that was the reason, after the publication of the articles.

Seyda: So as of right now, there are four involved?

Damacus: Seems so.

Seyda: Okay, what other discrepancies would you like to highlight and address?  Shadows?  Hit math?

Damacus: I mean, he's been lying to make it look like people were hitting when they weren't for one. His math comes after the other three made their hits, not before it. He even tried to lie to Jauk and tell her I just wasn't telling them about the other three hitters…which makes a whole lot of sense. It was pretty funny actually, she lanced his entire bag of bullshit by stating that my blood had only gone down one vial each time he was reported hitting but didn't at any other given time, as I'm being watched naturally. Her exact quote was "The blood doesn't lie, the numbers don't lie, and Dama didn't lie." Not going to lie either in saying that it was a pretty sleazy thing to pull over something as simple as a "contract." As for shadows, this isn't traditional hitting. We played earlier on with the whole thing, but minus my reasons for being otherwise engaged, they are supposed to be content to sit their canary asses where ever until I move, then hit. Splintering is a marathon, not Nascar. Though the similarities are a little alarming.

ophelia: Yeahhh...I was pretty surprised at the whole 'Are you lying or did he not tell you' comment he made to Jauk. Not our first rodeo and I probably know Damacus' blood better than he does when he's getting hit

ophelia snickered, snatched the man's tankard and took a drink

Damacus: Buh...

Damacus fussed at her

ophelia clutched it to her chest with a dis one mine face

Seyda: So, it's safe to say that you in shadows is more a product of poor timing than an executed strategy?  And also, there have been comments made that it is a poor leadership decision to waste coins on mercenaries, and also some rumors that the real intent behind this conflict is to bankrupt your lineage.  What are your thoughts with this?

Damacus: It suffices to say; he's not number one on my priority list. As for bankrupting my lineage, you're a daisy if you do.

Seyda: Fair enough.

Damacus: I don't see how him necroing is wasting my banks, ya know?

Seyda: Oh, there are some necros?

Damacus: He necroed twice.

Seyda: Interesting. That definitely would cut into the profit margin, I'd think.

ophelia: For me, I don't particularly care about what someone thinks in regards to the leadership of this line or what we're doing, much less considering who it's coming from. It's afforded some additional family bonding while letting folks shake off the rust with a bit of fun.

Seyda: Are there any other discrepancies from the current media that you would like to dispel?

Damacus: Not particularly. I know that Liander wants to spin this into some big outlandish WWE Superslam, Splinters-lite, but in reality, it's more like a DescendingAngels-Lite GoFundMe page.

Seyda: Fair enough.  Well, I want to thank you both very much for your time and for giving me the opportunity to sit with you today and opheliablinktwiceifyouneedtoberescuedokay.

Damacus: My mead is what needs rescued.

Seyda: Your mead rescue plan shall be the next story, Sir.

ophelia felt her lips twitch upward, along with a brow and stared for a moment before winking and kissed Damacus' beard

ophelia: Winking doesn't count. Just so you know.

Damacus: You'd better get puffing that piece. I want it to mirror the script from "DieHard With a Vengeance.”  Besides Seyda, you already know our safeword.

ophelia burst out laughing and had a hot flash that was really just a blush creeping up her neck but she'd lie about it till the world ended

Seyda St. John: Fair enough.  Inquiring minds and all... *turned off her recorder*

Damacus and The Void- The Other Side

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