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ladypeacek coughs obnoxiously into the mic and jumps at the squeal it made back at her.
ladypeacek: Okay it works.
Twizted+Jester cackles softly as he shakes his head "Feed back is always fun."
ladypeacek: So, ready to pour your heart, soul and secrets out to the whole city?
Twizted+Jester: Depends on what you ask.
ladypeacek: Well first, your name and age!
Twizted+Jester: Jester Lokana and ummm...about that. Can I lie because of what i am.
ladypeacek: Why would you need to lie?
ladypeacek: Are you -that- old?
ladypeacek: What are you?
ladypeacek tries to look deep into his nose for some clue
Twizted+Jester: I am the son of Loki the norse god, not the others that run around the city.
ladypeacek: Okay so I will read into that as being dirt old. Check.
ladypeacek: So, are you married?
Twizted+Jester: Yes I am.
ladypeacek: If you could change your spouse's name, what would you change it to?
Twizted+Jester: Nothing, I love her name.
ladypeacek: Tell us some of your favorite things- Music, Drink, weapon!
Twizted+Jester: Music is far to long to name, board genre. Absinthe is my drink of choice. Short Spear.
ladypeacek: Oh you might like our new drink Sex Fire! Absinthe with some fire ball added. Shameless plug! What's the weirdest thing about you that people don't generally know already...given that you're pretty weird.
Twizted+Jester: Sound delightful and I am not sure to be honest. I have gone to high school nine times because I was bored,
ladypeacek: Learn anything new each time or just like flirting with the girls?
Twizted+Jester: Both actually. It was my first time that I wanted to relive. Plus they always came up with something new and I wanted to know it.
ladypeacek: What is the most annoying habit other people have?
Twizted+Jester: Asking me what happened when I get blown up.
ladypeacek: If you could make one change to the city what would that be?
Twizted+Jester: Legit wastelands to go out and fight in. Like we chase hunters for coin, why cant we chase raiders for weapons and coin but are slightly tougher.
ladypeacek: Oh that would be nifty. These vampire hunters never have good shit on them!
ladypeacek: Not sure why their crossbows cant be used by us after we kill them. We should legit be able to use them.
ladypeacek: Tell us what your favorite item of clothing is.
Twizted+Jester: See! You get it. Like why cant Raven open the gates and let us play out in the wastes. Granted some of us might get seriously injuried but that just means we scrubs get better. Umm, my trip pants.
ladypeacek: Trip pants? What's that?
ladypeacek: Yanno, for the boobs who may not know cuz like I totally do.
Twizted+Jester showed off his baggy pants that had six pockets just around his thighs, each big enough to put a small book in. Under his knees were zippers that changed the pants to shorts. Two chains hung down on his sides that were hooked in to D rings around his belt buckle and behind him.
ladypeacek: Jester! They can't SEE you, you gotta tell them!
ladypeacek pointed to the mic.
ladypeacek was only SECRETLY videoing the whole thing. Gosh.
Twizted+Jester: They are basically gothic para shoot pants...right....that come in different styles colors and with different attachments.
ladypeacek: Awesome. I'll have to get a pair!
ladypeacek: Okay, that was all the questions I had!
ladypeacek: Thank you for letting me and the city have a glimpse into your head!
Twizted+Jester: Sweet. That was only the front yard...ya'll didnt make it to the front door of my head.
Twizted+Jester snickered softly.
ladypeacek: Maybe we'll do a sequel soon, then. Really dig in there with some pliers.
Twizted+Jester: Bring it on, might need a whoswhatchit and thingduhicky.
ladypeacek makes a note
ladypeacek: Got it!
ladypeacek: Have a great night with the wife!

TwiZted Jester

ladypeacek tugs out her phone and preps it to film and record

ladypeacek: Okay, lady succubus. Ready to put it all out there?

Jessie_Love: Yes ma'am. Let's go.

ladypeacek: First of all, I will preface this by saying that Jessie and I have discussed siring and in effort to make some changes, she has offered to do this interview. So, the first thing I am going to ask you, is simply explain what it means to be a succubus, for those who don't know.

Jessie_Love: Well I can't speak for the rest of my kind. There are certainly other succubi within the city who might disagree with me on this. But for me at least, it means feeding on the sexually charged energy of others. Some might assume I feed on liquids or the souls of my, well let's just call them donors. But in truth it's the energy released during sex that I am able to take it. The stronger someone feels the more I feed.

ladypeacek: It's true, succubi aren't the only species that have traits that vary between individuals- like vampires frequently vary- between what they can and cannot feed on, sunlight, mirrors, etc. So moving along, being a succubi in a town like this is hard. Much like we start to fade without blood, get weak, unable to even throw a weapon, you are the same when you don't feed. However, sex donors are a little less available on the streets than blood donors.

ladypeacek: Do you have powers over others to force them to feel attraction to others?

ladypeacek: Or to yourself.

Jessie_Love: I can shapeshift. Change my body or parts of it to suit the needs of others. Say a person enjoys a skinny waist or bigger chest. I can mold my body to fit their desires and thus make them want me. But I don't do it often, I don't like to. I do it if I have to. However I can not manipulate the thoughts of others. I can't make two people desire each other. But what I can do is amplify an already existing lust.

ladypeacek nods

ladypeacek: So, there have been accusations about your forcefulness toward others in getting some of your sexual needs met. How do you respond to that?

Jessie_Love: I won't deny it. In the past I have attempted to seduce those who didn't want me. Often for the challenge alone. It wasn't until the most recent two years that I finally started to see how much that was hurting me and others. There was a time that I didn't care who i hurt. But I was wrong. I don't deny what I did. I used to try to force others, I tried to use them. I don't try to use my maker as an excuse but I acted as she did. Now I want to be better than that.

ladypeacek: Okay, that brings us to another point. You've tried to make amends many times with many people and while in some cases, you don't hurt them again, specifically, you do continue the same kind of behaviors which makes them refuse to believe you can change. What's different now? Tell them why they should give you yet another chance?

Jessie_Love: Like I said before, I don't deny what I've done. I was a real brat. I was arrogant and hated the city for a long time. I used to think no one really gave me a chance but now I see that I never gave them a reason to. I don't blame a lot of people if they see this as another mistake. But I am learning to let go of my ego, my pride, my arrogance. I want to live in this city and hopefully start to do some good. So I don't plan to keep fighting with everyone. I know this will be hard but I'm here to try.

ladypeacek: Moving forward, how do you intend to sate your needs for the sexual energy?

Jessie_Love: The same way I have been for the past two years in this city. My own inner circle. Granted it's getting smaller with my old brother choosing, let's call it, different paths. But I have a few close friends that willing feed me. Plus the tavern is always perfect. And I don't even need to touch anyone there.

ladypeacek: So you can feed off of others, if close enough to them?

ladypeacek: That means these side rooms are like an endless supply! Does it at all hurt them, or do they even know it's happening?

Jessie_Love: It doesn't hurt. It's energy. All they feel is tired after. And I can feed on the arousal of others around me. That's why bars and clubs are get places to eat. So many little humans all hoping to get some, all looking at each other with lust in their eyes. All wanting the same thing.

ladypeacek: Do you have to SEE it, or can it be behind closed doors out of your sight?

Jessie_Love: The closer I am, the easier it is.

ladypeacek: Okay, so what about the fighting and attitude you tend to get. Even recently, you've struggled to restrain your temper when things aren't going your way. You apologize and people aren't yet ready to accept the apology, how do you intend to deal with it now?

Jessie_Love: I admit, I have an anger problem and a bad attitude. I also don't handle rejection well. But I knowledge the problem and I'm working to change it. I'm going to try to be more patient and more understanding. I did a lot of damage and not everyone will be willing to accept my help in fixing it. I can accept that. I have to.

ladypeacek: You did do well to restrain recently when you tried to be friendly and were rejected by my blunt childe Bash. I was surprised, I admit. So, I guess we've sorta told the city a little about your lifestyle, gone over some bad history and talked about some of your desired changes. I guess, the next is to ask if you are up to keeping yourself available for questions- hard ones, from the city?

Jessie_Love: I am. It's time to let the city see me as I am. No holding back. No more lies, no more rumors, no more if, ands or buts. I'm ready to show the city who I really am.

ladypeacek: This means being honest, and ready to not only admit some hard truths again and again, but allow people to have their say, harsh as it may be, and restrain yourself. I know even recently you've struggled with keeping yourself on the path of change, so are you prepared for this- knowing it will often be 2 steps forward, 10 steps back for a while?

Jessie_Love: Yes. Change it hard, painful but for me, ultimately necessary.

ladypeacek: Got it. Well, we will ALL be watching now, so, get your game face on.

ladypeacek: Thank you though for coming clean a lot about this.

Jessie_Love: Thank you for having me Pea. And for trusting me.

ladypeacek: Lets not go that far yet, Missy, but we're working on it.

Jessie Love

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